Goodbye Nightshade Woes!

Your Secret Weapon for Nightshade Free Travel

  • No Translation Traps: Pictures prevent food translation misunderstandings due to unique local names

  • Instant Recognition: Restaurant staff can quickly identify your off-limits foods

  • Globally Effective: Proven success with restaurants worldwide

  • Simple to Use: No more language fumbling or confusion
Packet of FIVE Cards For Only $10
Because Kitchens keep cards
Sorry only available for shipping within the United States

Traveling internationally with a nightshade sensitivity (think tomatoes, eggplant, chili peppers, green peppers …) can be daunting. Unfamiliar menus become minefields of potential gas, bloating, nausea, and even hospitalizations – not exactly a recipe for vacation bliss.

Your secret weapon for stress-free, delicious dining adventures anywhere in the world. Say goodbye to the frustrating translated food names list! Regional local variations of food names can make translations unreliable. A food’s name in a place may be called something entirely different just a few miles away. Did you know a pancake is also called a flapjack or a slapjack, or a griddle cake, or a hot cake, or a johnnycake, or a hoe cake or ….?

The key? Universal symbols. A simple picture of a tomato speaks volumes and cuts through language barriers, ensuring clear communication everywhere you roam.

Ditch the confusion! Skull and crossbones are scary for restaurant staff.  Our Nightshade Allergy Alert Card uses clear pictures of off-limits foods, along with a list of names in English, resulting in positive safe response from restaurant staff worldwide.

Don’t settle for a limited travel experience! Order your Visual Nightshade Allergy Alert Card today and unlock a world of delicious worry-free travel!

Nightshade Allergy Alert Card Makes Travel Easier!

Packet of FIVE Cards For Only $10
Because Kitchens keep cards
Sorry only available for shipping within the United States